Blak Stellenanzeigen (2024)

1. Stellenanzeigen - der Bayerischen Landesapothekerkammer

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Stellenanzeigen - der Bayerischen Landesapothekerkammer

2. Stellenmarkt der Bayerischen Landesapothekerkammer

  • Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Stellenanzeigen von Apotheken und pharmazeutischen Betrieben. Wenn Sie sich für ein Angebot interessieren, bewerben Sie sich.

Stellenmarkt der Bayerischen Landesapothekerkammer

3. Stellenbörsen - ADEXA

4. Stellenangebote - WIPIG

  • Stellenangebote. Stellenangebot Pharmazeut im Praktikum (m/w/d). WIPIG Logo ... BLAK Mitglied sind, kostenlos zugänglich. Zur Unterstützung unseres Teams ...


5. Karriere - Apotheke | Uniklinikum Erlangen

6. Jobbörse - Standort Würzburg - PTA-Schulen Bayern

  • Jul 15, 2024 · Landesapothekerkammer: Stellenanzeigen der PTA-Schule. Lehrkraft an der PTA-Schule. Wir suchen zum kommenden ...

  • Jobbörse             der PTA-Schule Würzburg   Sie möchten Teil unseres Teams werden? Hier finden Sie aktuelle Stellenanzeigen der PTA-Schule Würzburg. Natürlich möchten wir auch PTAs an Apotheken vermitteln und umgekehrt. Daher freut es uns besonders, dass wir hier ebenso aktuelle Stellenangebote für PTAs und Praktiku*msstellen für PTA-Schüler und

Jobbörse - Standort Würzburg - PTA-Schulen Bayern

7. Stellenangebote | Stellenmarkt - Sächsische Landesapothekerkammer

  • Der Stellenmarkt ist ein Service der Sächsischen Landesapothekerkammer. Die Stellenanzeigen der Inserenten werden an dieser Stelle veröffentlicht. Für den ...

  • Der Stellenmarkt ist ein Service der Sächsischen Landesapothekerkammer. Die Stellenanzeigen der Inserenten werden an dieser Stelle veröffentlicht. Für den Inhalt der Anzeige ist der Inserent selbst verantwortlich. Die Sächsische Landesapothekerkammer übernimmt keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit der Angaben. 

8. Landesapothekerkammer Baden Württemberg

  • Apothekennotdienst · Aus-, Fort-, Weiterbildung · Kontakt · Mitglieder Login

  • Homepage der Landesapothekerkammer Baden-Württemberg

Blak Stellenanzeigen (2024)


Is proficient a good score on the Indeed test? ›

Highly Proficient: An exceptional performance proving your strong competence in the field. Proficient: You know just about enough to carry out certain tasks and responsibilities. Familiar: Reached the minimum passing score, showing that you have basic knowledge in the field.

What researchers discovered when they sent 80,000 fakes? ›

Fictitious résumés sent to large U.S. companies revealed a preference, on average, for candidates whose names suggested that they were white. To assign names, the researchers started with a prior list that had been assembled using Massachusetts birth certificates from 1974 to 1979.

Is familiar a good score on Indeed? ›

The Indeed Assessment score levels from high to low are: Expert, Highly Proficient, Proficient, Familiar, and Completed. The scores of assessments you have started without completing will be marked as N/A. The “completed” score is the lowest, meaning you failed the assessment.

Can you retake an indeed assessment? ›

Important: You're only allowed to retake each assessment one time every six months. Sign in to your account. Go to the assessment reset tool. Choose an assessment you've taken in the past six months.

What is a better score than proficient? ›

Both the Basic and Advanced achievement levels reference the Proficient level. Basic performance is defined as “partial mastery”—below Proficient, and Advanced is defined as superior performance—beyond Proficient.

Are proficient test results good? ›

Proficient—This level represents solid academic performance for each grade assessed.

What researchers found when they sent out 80,000 fake résumés? ›

After sending 80,000 resumes to 10,000 jobs with equivalent qualifications, they found that employers contacted presumed white applicants 9.5% more often than Black applicants.

What is the highest level of Indeed assessment? ›

Indeed Assessments score levels are: Expert, Highly Proficient, Proficient, Familiar and Completed.

What does "not selected by employer" mean on Indeed? ›

What “not selected by employer" means on Indeed. Let's start by ripping off the band-aid: If you got the message “not selected by employer” on Indeed, then yes, your application was rejected. This doesn't mean that you can't reapply, but you should treat it like any other rejection.

How to prepare for Indeed Assessments? ›

As far in advance as you can, start practicing by completing typing tests at home until you get your word count and accuracy to the desired level. Additionally, if you know the type of test you're taking, you may be able to find example questions online.

Can employers see indeed assessments? ›

Scores for Assessments that are sent to you by an employer can only be seen by that employer. They cannot share your scores with other employers. Once you complete an assessment, the score will be saved for 6 months.

Can I take indeed assessments on my own? ›

You can proactively take these tests on your own, or potential employers may invite you to complete one after you've applied. Indeed will recommend assessments based on your job skills and interests.


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 6573

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.